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Minister announces funding of €255,000 to West Clare Railway Greenway Project

29 July 2020

Minister for Climate Change, Communications Networks and Transport, Eamon Ryan, today announced funding of €4.5m to 26 Greenway projects.

West Clare Railway Greenway

The funding was allocated under the Carbon Tax Fund 2020 and provides support for feasibility, planning and design for Greenways around the country.

The West Clare Railway Greenway Project is one of the 26 successful Greenway projects and has been allocated €255,000. The funding will progress the project past concept and feasibility stage and allow Clare County Council to start actively engaging with landowners on route selection and preparation of the statutory consent phase of development, namely planning permission, environmental impact assessment and preliminary design.

It is envisaged that the West Clare Railway Greenway will follow the 85km route of the old West Clare railway line, where feasible. The Greenway may need to be diverted from this route and Clare County Council will work with local landowners to ensure that a suitable route is selected which has the least impact on farming communities. Clare County Council is committed to developing a Greenway which will potentially be a world-class tourism attraction in West Clare, providing economic, social, health and environmental benefits for people living in Clare and those who are visiting.

The Mayor of Clare, Cllr Mary Howard said: “The West Clare Railway Greenway has been a longstanding objective of the County Development Plan and this funding allocation is greatly welcomed in order to positively progress the project for the benefit of everyone living in and visiting the county.”

Carmel Kirby, Director of Physical Development, Clare County Council, has welcomed the announcement: “We are delighted that our application for funding has been successful. The West Clare Railway Greenway has the potential to be a game changer for County Clare. The Greenway will enable communities from Ennis to Kilkee/Kilrush to be connected while also enhancing our tourism offering. More and more people are getting back on their bikes to explore the beautiful surroundings of County Clare and this Greenway will provide a recreational facility for everyone to enjoy.”

Page last reviewed: 29/07/20

Content managed by: Roads, Environment and Water Services Department

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